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Contact | Skydinse


Support Options






You need help with a specific topic or just want to ask us a question? Then you are in the right place! There are many ways you can get in touch with us:

Ticket: You can create a support ticket on our website. When you do this, our team will be notified, and we will try to respond to your ticket as soon as possible. You can open tickets at our

Discord: If you need quick help or answers, our Discord server is the perfect place for that. You can ask questions, seek help, make suggestions in various community channels, or open a Discord support ticket with your issue. Link to Discord:

Support in Minecraft: If you are currently online on our network in Minecraft and have a quick question or a small issue, you can use the command "/support" in-game to contact support. If you don't receive a response after some time, it may be that no team member is available to handle your request at the moment. In this case, please reach out on our Discord server or via our contact form. If your issue is not urgent, you can also wait and try again when a team member is available.

Contact Form: If you prefer good old-fashioned support via email, you can fill out our contact form to get in touch with us via email. Please note that support here might take longer. You can find our contact form at